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How Can You Prevent Plaque Formation?

Posted by Peak City Dentistry on Feb 15 2022, 11:18 AM

Have you ever noticed a soft, sticky film that builds upon the outside of your teeth? Yes, It's plaque, a yellow color filmy substance made of bacteria. 

Harmful bacteria produce plaque-producing acids that strip away tooth enamel resulting in cavities and gum disease. One could prevent plaque buildup mostly by following proper oral hygiene techniques at home. If you do not provide proper oral care to remove plaque, it hardens into tough tartar causing cavities, gingivitis, and tooth loss.

How can you prevent plaque buildup?

Brushing and Flossing

Brush at least twice a day, and daily flossing is an excellent way to get rid of plaque formation and prevent tartar from developing. Choose a soft-bristled toothbrush and brush along a small circular motion to reach the area between the teeth and the gums. Daily flossing helps to dislodge the plaque that gets stuck between the teeth.

Use Mouthwash Rinses

Rinse with an antiseptic mouthwash as prescribed by the dentist to resolve the plaque buildup on the surface of teeth. Mouthwash rinses remove harmful bacteria, prevent gum disease, and provide fresh breath.

Choose Tooth-Friendly Food

Eat balanced nutrient-rich food to nourish the teeth and make them stronger and brighter. Avoid sugary foodstuff and carbonated soft drinks that may damage the tooth enamel. Watch your diet and ensure we limit bacterial growth on your teeth. 

Have Fluoride Treatments 

Fluoride treatment slows down plaque-building bacteria and delays the progression of tooth decay. It can address early lesions of cavities by preventing future tooth decay. It is an oral health treatment that supports tooth enamel and fights against plaque formation in the mouth.

Have Dental Sealants Applied

Dental sealants keep plaque from developing, providing preventive protective care for your teeth. It acts as a protective cover for the chewing surface that blocks out plaque buildup.

Go to Routine Dental Visits and Dental Cleanings

Dentists will do a thorough exam for signs of oral issues including plaque buildup, tartar formation, and many more. Prevention is always better than needing a cure as they can catch plaque buildup early before it turns into serious oral complications. Routine dental cleaning controls the harmful bacteria that cause plaque, as well as maintains fresh breath.

Consult our dentist at Peak City Family Dentistry on how to reduce plaque and have them examine your oral health. Visit our office at 200 W. Chatham St., Apex, NC 27502. Call us at (919) 362-8797 to book an appointment.

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